2022 marks Wellspring’s 42nd year of providing life-changing opportunities to help community members find success and reach financial security.  

image of wellspring student

And there are so many stories to celebrate! 

When a graduate from one of our education programs is hired for a new job that pays $15,000 more in wages; we celebrate. When families working with our homelessness prevention team remain safely housed in their homes; we celebrate. When data helps us refine a program to maximize participant results; we celebrate!  

picture of melissa dimond Data is powerful. Thanks to support from donors, philanthropic organizations and private funders, Wellspring was able to invest in a powerful database to better track and measure student progress and participant outcomes over time. Wellspring President & Executive Director Melissa Dimond, (a self-avowed data “nerd”)administration, and program staff rely on this data to ensure program efficacy, and use it to more easily identify potential gaps and inform innovation.

Data in Action: In 2022, the Job Training Initiatives team discovered several alums from the Healthcare Office Support Training (HOST) Program (also known as MediClerk) had plateaued or left the healthcare sector due to the pandemic and other barriers. To help, Wellspring added a new alumni support initiative to the HOST program to provide coaching and mentoring to former students. To date, 15 HOST alums were offered new jobs or earned promotions!  


This is the ‘Wellspring way’: to remove obstacles and meet program participants where they are—so they can make their own life-changing plans, tap into a wellspring of opportunities, and realize their own success.  

wellspring house 2022 annual appeal image

Celebrating Success: Patricia was a retail manager with no room to advance. After 15 weeks of HOST education, which she refers to as her “AH HA! moment,”—she now works as a Medical Receptionist in a local practice, having already earned a promotion in her first 30 days! Patricia’s base wages increased more than $3.00/hour and raised her annual household income by $7,000 with plenty of room to grow. With this boost, Patricia has more money for groceries, utilities, and transportation.  

Your support makes these life-changing opportunities possible!


Thousands of success stories just like Patricia’s have begun within Wellspring walls. In 2022 alone, 450 motivated individuals, working parents, recent immigrants, and young adults across the North Shore participated in intensive Wellspring services, with each of these individuals forging their own unique path to financial security 


quote from wellspring student


Please support Wellspring with your year-end gift and help local students, neighbors and program participants change their own lives and create new paths to success!




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