The start of a new school year brings excitement, anticipation and the added financial cost of back to school shopping. A new backpack can cost upwards of fifty dollars. Combined with school supplies, the total can become a real burden to household budgets that are already stretched.
Thankfully, last week Wellspring’s families got a much needed boost in the form of backpacks and school supplies from our friends at Cornerstone Church in Manchester, Saint Paul’s Church in Hamilton, and Cross Fit Cape Ann, as well as our corporate partner Garnet Hill. Cornerstone Church and Saint Paul’s donated brand new, hand-picked and hand-packed backpacks filled with supplies. Cross Fit Cape Ann donated school supplies, and Garnet Hill donated thirty colorful, brand new backpacks from their fall line.
Over 40 backpacks will go to the children of Wellspring program participants – from shelter guests and case management clients to MediClerk students – so they can start the school year prepared and neatly accessorized.
We’re giving our generous donors, Garnet Hill, Cornerstone Church, Saint Paul’s Church, and Cross Fit Cape Ann an “A+” for their effort!