Welcoming All
Since our earliest beginnings, Wellspring House has understood without a doubt that we welcome all. Our organization’s vision says it well:
Wellspring is guided by the vision of a society where all are welcomed and everyone has the opportunity to live a full and positive life. Believing that each life touches every other life, we work toward this vision of caring for the earth and her people by sharing our resources in a spirit of hospitality.
We are at a important time in history and in the evolution of communities on Cape Ann when “Welcoming All” is critically important. Wellspring, in partnership with the Sawyer Free Library, has operated a successful English Language Learning program in downtown Gloucester for more than 15 years. This winter, we observed that some students who normally would come for evening tutoring had a lapse in their attendance. From conversations with colleagues and friends in the community, we were hearing that families throughout the North Shore are concerned about recent events and news surrounding immigration. In light of this, a letter went out to our students reassuring them that Wellspring House and the Sawyer Free Library both are places where students are free to learn in peace, confidentially, and without fear. We are proud to provide English classes to each and every person who wants to learn English and it is important to us for everyone to feel safe.
We have much more to learn about the experiences and concerns of families on Cape Ann. The communities of newly arriving families for whom English is a non-native language are diverse to say the least. Students in Wellspring’s ELL Program represent more than fifteen countries and five continents. In the spirit of “understanding more” and gearing up to respond sensitively, Wellspring is in active conversations with the Sawyer Free Library, Gloucester Public Schools, Mayor Romeo-Theken’s office, ECCO (Essex County Community Organization) and others. If you have a particular interest in volunteering to support the needs of newly arriving families and students, please contact Wellspring House’s Volunteer Coordinator, Mary Hardwick, at (978) 281-3558 ext. 300.
Melissa Dimond
President & Executive Director